Tuesday, October 7, 2008

CSI: NY filming

CSI:NY was filming a block away from my office. During my lunch break, I saw a large crowd gathered in front of Chase Bank. I thought it was news reporter reporting on some latest finance market crisis. However every passer-by was snapping photos, which normally do not happen with news reporting. I didn't know who or what the attention/attraction were but I took out my camera and started snapping too lol.

After my lunch, I walked past the area again, camera crews and the crowd were still there. I asked a guy who had been snapping non stop who did he snap? He said "CSI NY." Ahh , I then see familiar face, Gary Sinise of CSI NY.

Everyone was welcomed to watch the filming within a distance and taking photos, but crews reminded us not to use flash. They did a few retake of Gary and a lady crossing the road.
Updated: The filming was for Season 5 episode 8: My Name is Mac Taylor, which was aired Nov 19.

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